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Hi there you made it to the members info page read on please.
Hi this is were you will find out bout all the new ranks and rules and the members in Pso Allstars.Hope you like it this is new so if your a member and dont like this tell me online or offline i will not say who dident like it so fill free to please as im only trying to make the Pso Allstars more fun for all.

Hi this is were you will find out about the ranks.
Hi this rank system is so that it makes it easyer to under stand who plays with the Pso Allstars the longest.New members will start as Rookies and then to Veteran and may be to Elite!!!
I will be making rules for Rookies and Veterans l8er if need be the only thing is that they cant do is give promotions to other members and let people join only ask us.
The list is as followed.
Rookies--- Not got yet

That is not in any order thanks.
  Here is were you may find out bout are rules.
Theres only a bit as i dont know what you all think of this so please tell me what you think. This is what me and James been talking about so please read on.
The rules are as followed--
-Only leaders can join new members but it has to be at least 2 leaders to say yes.
-New members must be at least a month long friend please as we will know that he/she is going to play long term pso oline gaming.
-And dont say bad things bout over clans as i dont want to fall out with them lol and we are allied to stoneisland so please be nice to them go to there site we are on it.They will be like members to us and we to them ok thanks...


Thanks for coming to Pso Allstars