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Welcome To Are Home Page.
Hi we have updated the site at last.If you dont know what PSO is its Phantasy star online for gamecube and dreamcast but this is bout a clan on the gamecube name Pso Allstars we are a group of mates who desided to make a clan to meet and play with each other.We hope we can make the clan a big and good to all its members.We ant that big at the moment but that will change soon.Thanks for your time to come to are site hope you join if you play Pso on the gamecube.
Dave and the team at pso allstars
This is a list of the updates. Last update 23rd Oct
Hi im back now and been online for a week and good to see your all still playing godwins back again just like me as he was waiting for his board band to come!!! We got 2 new members one named julie ( james ask her to join) and the over erm can't remeber the name lol as i havent meet her or him yet plz tell me who it is.
Hello i hope you like the pictures we have up.

Members so far are.
Leaders--Dave, Godwin,Sheik,James
That is it for now. That is not in any order (the list of leaders) We are all the leaders of the clan. Im the site maker DAVE. We will have more members soon if u want to join e-mail me or go to block 1 lobby 5 and look out for us.


Sign my GUEST BOOK !!!


Thanks from all at PSO ALLSTARS